1. Photography. I love snapping photos of flowers, animals, and architecture, taking pains to frame a masterpiece.
2. Writing. Well, not always. Some days, writing causes me no end of angst. But I'd rather be writing than not.
3. Good food. I love cooking and going to restaurants. Nothing soothes the soul in my opinion like scrumptious eats.
4. Consulting. Using my skills to help others gives me a great sense of purpose.
5. Raw, passionate, emotionally intimate sex with the man I love. Need I say more?
Today, as we rode through the mountains taking in the wonders of the nature around us, grandmother commented, "It amazes me that those trees can grow straight out of bare rock like that. I had one at home I tended with loving care, and it died." Maybe that's exactly like life: too pampered, and we die inside. There's no pride or character to be had without hardship. Besides, those trees on the mountainside have one heck of a great view.

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