Now the real fun begins. If I want to start this fall, I need to submit my application, get letters of recommendation, take the GRE (Graduate Readiness Exam) and request my transcripts before June 1. If I can accomplish all of that in time and get accepted, then I have to start looking for childcare for William. The thought of leaving him in another's care, even to start this exciting phase of my life, is distressing. I know no one will care for him like I do. My husband informed me a few nights ago that he's taking me out to dinner for Mother's Day, sans baby, and he's arranging the childcare. I nearly freaked. But I know the day I leave William with a sitter must come eventually, and it will be good for me.
He's just too precious.
The day is coming: tumbles, falls, bumps on the head, nightmares. I just want to be there for him. He cries, and I want to cry, too. But we both need to grow beyond each other. And I want him to know that I did everything in my power to fulfil my dreams and reach my full potential.
Good for you! I'm happy that you've found a program that you like - I know you'll do great!
If I can make a suggestion about the childcare situation... I would look for private home care for him until he's at least two. It may be more expensive, but the quality of care will probably be much, much better. Infant rooms in a traditional daycare typically have two workers to six or eight babies. Alternatively, look for a part-time nanny. He'll be in his own environment, with his own things, and the adjustment won't be as bad. Plus, you can usually get some basic housecleaning and light laundry thrown in! Call me if you want to talk about it - I've seen it all from about every angle.
Babies are so precious but they are very adaptable. The course sounds wonderful...go for it...
Just another thought... You may be better off waiting a year. It'll give you more time to prepare for the GRE and get your ducks in a row, plus give you more time with the baby, while he's still a baby...
Actually, I think waiting a year is the best thing to do. Aside from having the extra study time, our taxable income will be lower next year, which should get me more grant money when I file the FAFSA. I'll also qualify for the university's scholarships. (The qualifying deadline was Feb. 15 for this year.) We will also have lived in Virginia for a year by then, which will help me qualify for in-state tuition. I should get in-state anyway because of Calvin's military service, but the one-year residency rule may still apply. All around, waiting seems like a good decision.
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